Study of some physiological and histological effects of gemfibrozil Drug in Pancreas Tissue of male Albino rats

Noor Saad Sbbar (1) , Abbas Abed Sharhan AL-Owaidy (2)
(1) Department of Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology, AL-Qasim Green University, Babylon\ Iraq , Aruba
(2) Department of Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology, AL-Qasim Green University, Babylon\ Iraq , Barbados


Gemfibrozil is the medication for long-term control of obesity that the FDA has approved by inhibiting Pancreatic lipase , it decreases the absorption of dietary fat. The purpose of the current study is to provide light on potential gemfibrozil in treatment of pancreatic disorder in induced hyperlipidemic rats which caused by high fat diet and how these changes may affect the physiology of the lipase enzyme.  Used 40 male albino obese rats with mean 12 weeks .The animal divide to five Groups and all group include of these 8 animals . The first group is control , second group induced hyperlipidimic rats give high fat diet untreated group , third group  induced hyperlipidimic rats then treated by gimfibrozil (600 mg/kg/day) , fourth group induced hyperlipidimic rats then treated by gimfibrozil (1200 mg/kg/day) and fifth group induced hyperlipidimic rats then treated by gimfibrozil (1500mg/kg/day). The results showed significant increased (P≤ 0.05) pancreatic lipase in group 2(high fat diet ) in compared to other group. Hyperlipidemia caused acute pancreatitis , Severe necrosis of beta and alpha cells of Langerhans islets led to form spaces in Langerhans islet, also these spaces filled with lymphocytes  that occupied most of affected Langerhans islet area in second  group ( high fat diet). Conclusion: Gemfibrozil is recommended in the treatment hyperlipidemia by reduces triglyceride levels that caused pancreatic tissue degeneration, dilation of pancreatic duct with retained secretion and congestion. inflammatory cell infiltration observed in pancreatic acini and vascular congestion with islets of Langerhans .

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Noor Saad Sbbar
Abbas Abed Sharhan AL-Owaidy
Sbbar, N. S. ., & AL-Owaidy , A. A. S. . (2023). Study of some physiological and histological effects of gemfibrozil Drug in Pancreas Tissue of male Albino rats. Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 6(09), 1742–1750.

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