Biological Activities of Silver Nanoparticles against Gram-negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria

Sorour Khalil Mohsen (1) , Abdul Wahab Ghaleb Waheeb (2) , Zahraa Abd El Jalil Hammoud Warur (3) , Tuqa moaied Faleh (4) , Awab Ekab Hawar (5) , ZAHRAA ABDUL HUSSEIN NAZZAL (6) , Raneen Hussein Qazi (7) , Abbas Sabar Maziri (8) , Sarah Adel Qasim (9) , Raghad Qutaba Hmod (10)
(1) Baghdad University, College of Science for Women, Department of chemistry , Iraq , Iraq
(2) Dhi Qar University/College of Science, Iraq , Iraq
(3) University of Baghdad, College of science for women, Iraq , Iraq
(4) Dhi Qar University, College of Science/Department of Chemistry, Iraq , Iraq
(5) Mosul University : College of science / Department of chemistry, Iraq , Iraq
(6) Dhi Qar University, College of Science/Department of Chemistry, Iraq , Iraq
(7) Dhi Qar University/College of Science/Department of Chemistry, Iraq , Iraq
(8) Dhi Qar University/College of Science/Department of Chemistry, Iraq , Iraq
(9) Dhi Qar University/College of Science, Iraq , Iraq
(10) Samarra University / College of Science / Applied Chemistry, Iraq , Iraq


       In the past two decades, nanotechnology and secondary particle research have become one of the most important areas in modern materials science research, attracting great interest in the fields of electronics, biology, solar energy conversion. Catalysis medicine and water treatment due to the distinctive properties of secondary particles.Among the noble metals, we find that silver (Ag) is the preferred metal in the field of biological systems, living organisms, and medicine. Humans have known its medicinal properties for two thousand years 11-13, and it has been used as antibacterial agents since the nineteenth century, and its uses have now diversified to include many  New physical, chemical and biological specializations. Ag-NPs are one of the most widespread silver nanoparticles, with about 500 tons of annual global production .The demand for secondary story particles (Ag - NPS) is increasing in abundance to be used in many applications Fields such as medicine, pharmacy, companies, healthcare, food, cosmetics, etc. Considering their various properties (physical, chemical, and biological), they can be exploited for different purposes. There are many ways to prepare Ag-NPs, including physical, chemical, and biological.Although there are many types of nanomaterials, Ag-NPs have proven to be the most effective for their resistance to microbes, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms. On the other hand, we find that the biosynthesis of  secondary silver particles, has become an emerging branch of nanotechnology, as microorganisms and plant extracts have recently been used in the synthesis of nanoparticles because they are rich in biologically active compounds.

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Sorour Khalil Mohsen
Abdul Wahab Ghaleb Waheeb
Zahraa Abd El Jalil Hammoud Warur
Tuqa moaied Faleh
Awab Ekab Hawar
Raneen Hussein Qazi
Abbas Sabar Maziri
Sarah Adel Qasim
Raghad Qutaba Hmod
Mohsen , S. K., Waheeb , A. W. G. ., Hammoud Warur , Z. A. E. J. ., Faleh , T. moaied ., Hawar , A. E. ., HUSSEIN NAZZAL , Z. A. ., Qazi , R. H., Maziri , A. S. ., Qasim , S. A. ., & Hmod , R. Q. . (2024). Biological Activities of Silver Nanoparticles against Gram-negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria. Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 7(04), 2310–2319.

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